Sunday, July 4, 2010

July 2010, it's settled, indisputably:  WORST AMERICAN PRESIDENT EVAH.

Jimmy Carter has been trumped.  Warren Harding has been trumped.  U. S. Grant has been trumped.  Millard Fillmore has been trumped.


Debate is done.

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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Sex Predator Who Wanted to be President

Global warming scamster AlGore, the 2000 LOSER (despite his efforts to steal what should have been his to win hands down), tried to claim that he and Tipper had "grown apart", to explain their 2010 separation.

Just one more lie from the Libtard Left.

AlGore's efforts to force himself on a masseuse in a hotel in '07, and covered up by the libtard media until now, probably has something to do with it.

Bill Clinton.  John Edwards.  AlGore.

'Nuff said.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Left Defined In Their Own Words

Hoax and change the Left believes in.  How about you?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Barry the Teleprompted gave a speech from the Oval Office.

Barry the Teleprompted began it with a lie:  "the federal government is in charge of the oil spill".  Earlier, Barry had asserted that the Gulf oil spill was the "singular focus" of him and his administration.

While he played golf, went to fund raisers, pitched his fraudulent health care, and vacationed.  Some singular focus.

"Let's be clear" Barry like to say.  Okay, lets:

-- three days in, countries with ships and oil clean up technologies, offered their help.  Barry and his singularly-focused government refused them.

-- millions of feet of oil containment boom material lies languishing in warehouses in Maine; Barry dithered on seeing that anyone moved to get and deploy that equipment.

-- the Louisiana governor asked, begged and demanded that he be given the resources to start with sand berms and 'barrier islands' to protect coastal Louisiana.  The governor finally went ahead on his own, since Barry's "singularly focused" government was non-responsive.

-- Barry's FEMA director has been notably absent from the Gulf.

-- Barry's Energy 'czar' has been notably absent from the Gulf.

-- Barry declared the Gulf oil spill his "9/11".  It's been much more aptly his Carteresque Iran hostage crisis/Katrina, all rolled together.

-- finally, Barry spent half his speech touting "green energy" technology.  AKA, using the disaster to push an even bigger one, cap & trade.

After hearing this feckless speech, the bird pictured above reacted just as so many residents of the Gulf did.

Barry, you're an inept, disingenuous moron.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Good Riddance

The ugliest, stupidest libtard on the planet is RETIRED.

Only came 50 years later than it should have.

It's next assignment should be as badwill ambassador to Gaza.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Won't Forget THIS Memorial Day

Never forget THIS Memorial Day, 2010.  When the Liar-in-Chief chose to forego Arlington National Cemetery, because he hates the American military.

God Bless America and our Military.  God Damn Barry.

Take that, Jeremiah Wright.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Hugo Chavez is a DIC(K)TATOR

Ah, another Hollyweird butthaid speaks up about how freedom of speech ought not be here in the good ol' US of A.

But first, to the reason this Hollyweird butthaid thinks this:  Venezuelan DIC(K)TATOR Hugo Chavez, the socialist/marxist wrecker of Venezuela, and darling of the libtard Hollyweird sect of abject, abysmal stupidity.

Chavez is a DIC(K)TATOR, period.  He stifles free enterprise, freedom and opposition voices with BAYONETS.  Say it with me:  Hugo Chavez = DIC(K)TATOR.

So...Hollyweird libtard appeasist Sean "Dumber than dog shit" Penn, says that anyone who calls Hugo Chavez, DIC(K)TATOR, a DIC(K)TATOR, should be thrown in jail and die of anal cancer.

Ah, the Hollyweird libtards in all of their lower than outhouse pit form.

Well, punky Sean....Chavez is a DIC(K)TATOR.  HUGO CHAVEZ IS A DIC(K)TATOR.  DIC(K)TATOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wanna do something about it, punk?